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Payment Card Industry Data Security
As the owner or manager of a restaurant operation, you need to be keenly aware of the standards required for those who accept credit and debit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and similar credit or debit card providers. Even one breach can be devastating to the image of your business, and turn customers to your competitors.
Three Aspects of PCI Compliance for Restaurant Operators:
Responsibility for Security of Data Falls on Restaurant Owner/Operator
Being PCI data security compliant is the responsibility of the restaurant owner and managers. When setting up your business, this compliance is not visible as part of the routine activities of establishing a new business operation, such as obtaining business permits, licensing, inspections and similar restrictions of municipalities where the operations are located. But finding out all the standards and requirements is vital.
Maintaining Data Access Security in Compliance
In order to establish the highest security for your POS system, an important step, if you have not already done so, is to upgrade your POS software to a Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) validated version.
As leaders in the point of sale industry technology, Aloha and NCR have developed validated data security software completely integrated with all of their POS technology.
Network Security Suite Package
Hospitality Control Solutions can provide your restaurant operations with a complete Network Security Suite Package to help ensure your PCI compliancy with industry standards. This solution upgrades your existing security capability, lowers the risk for credit card and data breach, and encompasses these features:
The Breach Assistance program from Network Security Services, provides up to $100,000 in coverage in the event of a suspected or actual data breach.